A few photos from the BTO ringing of the Salisbury Cathedral Peregrine chicks this morning.
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A couple of hours at Salisbury Cathedral first things this morning. Saw a nice mid-air food pass between the male and female Peregrines.
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Another week, another Tawny Owl. This one I found at first light this morning at Arne. Came back about 3 hours later and it was still about, but had moved to a higher roosting perch. Chest feathers look a little scruffy on this one. Could just be wet. Could be moulting.
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A few photos of birds on the garden feeders this weekend. I reckon Great Spotted Woodpecker chicks will be in the garden within a week. Also, a Swallow on Salisbury Plain today.
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Last week, I found a Tawny Owl at Ham Wall. This week, I found one in the New Forest. Also, lots of Redstarts about, including some that were already gathering food for chicks.
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