For the last couple of weeks, bat droppings have appeared in our porch.  Wasn't sure where they were coming from as no obvious roost hole.  So tonight I waited to see what was happening - about 2 hours after sunset a bat did a few circuits then perched on the wall.  He then climbed up into the corner where he spent the next few hours. 

ID not obvious to me.  Serotine Bat possibly.


A good year for Painted Lady butterflies this year apparently.  Counted at least 6 on our Buddleia this afternoon.

A few macro photos from the woods today.

Another attempt at Purple Emperor photos in Bentley Wood.  I managed to find 4 this morning - first time I've ever been that successful by myself.  First time I've seen one in the car park which is where people often claim to see them.  Also, a Silver Wash Fritillary (I think).

Purple Emperors in Bentley Wood seem to have started emerging this week.  About a week later than last year.  Some good views this morning between 09:30 and 11:00.