Went searching for the Cranes on the Somerset Levels this morning, introduced as part of the "Great Crane Project". Only very distant views in the mist. Will have to try again on a sunny day. Also, Grey Herons (one eating a rodent of some sort), and a Marsh Harrier.
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Tried to photograph the Blood Moon during the lunar eclipse early this morning. Tricky to photograph, as it's actually quite dark when fully eclipsed, so high ISO required to avoid motion blur. But I got an okay record shot.
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Spent some time this afternoon at the lakes hoping for Hobbies. Instead, got some shots of a Southern Hawker in flight, plus a Common Sandpiper and a Grey Wagtail.
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A trip to Arne today to try and spot Ospreys, as the RSPB had opened up new parts of the reserve for their Raptor Weekend. Only one very distant view. But good views of a Marsh Harier at a new hide. Shame about the heat haze. Hopefully they'll keep the new hide open through the winter as it should become a good spot for Harriers over the next few months.
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03:15 start to head to Arne hoping for Barn Owls and Ospreys. No real luck with either. But found Raft and Wasp Spiders. Quite pleased with the Raft Spider on a reed in front of the pond. Back lit by the sun, with macro flash illuminating the spider.
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